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Featured Projects

Studies and Expert Consulting

With over 10 years of experience, our team of professionals at HIDRICA Consultores works alongside our clients, developing studies and providing technical and strategic support and consulting in advanced conceptual and numerical modeling of water resources, support in the development of Environmental Impact Assessments and Statements, tailings dam management, environmental monitoring, climate change adaptation, and third-party report review, among other services.

DIA Atlas Project Phase II – Colún
Hydrogeological modeling, RB discharge design, hydrological characterization and discharge location pre-feasibility analysis.
Analysis of Water Recovery from Talabre Tailings Dam
Numerical modeling to assess the opportunity to capture water from the tailings deposited in Talabre.
Climate Change in Water Resource Assessment – SEA
Development of methodologies for incorporating climate change into the environmental assessment of water resources.
New Hydrogeological Conceptual and Numerical Model – Codelco
New Hydrogeological Conceptual and Numerical Model for the Ovejería Tailings Dam and Chacabuco Polpaico Valley area, Codelco DAND – Codelco.
Strategic Water Basin Management Plan, Salar de Atacama – DGA
PEGH in endorheic basins of Salar de Atacama – Pacific Watershed; Characterization; analysis of hydraulic infrastructure; monitoring; water demand and supply; integrated numerical water modeling, considering climate change and sustainability.
Water Management Audit
Review of the overall status of the water resource for each of the following stages: supply, storage, distribution, operation and maintenance, use, recovery, and final disposal. It includes identification of…
Update of the Hydrogeological Conceptual and Numerical Model (PM_PAT)
Service for updating hydrogeological modeling, both conceptual and numerical, monitoring plan, and early warning system for Vallenar Plant.
Review of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process for Future Development of DMH
Review of the responses to the environmental assessment process that will be prepared by Codelco (Addenda).

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